​The Things you should consider before travelling to Afghanistan

  • Mon, 18/01/2016
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There exists extreme risk to your current security in Afghanistan along with we advise against most travel. The hostile along with unpredictable security situation, the high and ongoing hazard from terrorism and kidnapping of foreigners present a tremendous risk to New Zealanders throughout Afghanistan. New Zealanders currently throughout Afghanistan with concerns for their safety really should depart.

New Zealanders who decide to visit Afghanistan against our advice should make sure appropriate personal security measures are in place always. We strongly recommend you consult a good security company with expertise in Afghanistan for suggestions about security arrangements. Security arrangements should be reviewed often. Such measures may mitigate the risks for a safety but cannot eradicate them entirely.


There exists an on-going and major risk from rebellious problems through Afghanistan. Suicide a volatile device attacks, rocket attacks, curb bombs, auto bombs, along with minor arms assaults arise normally. Bouts could occur at anytime, anywhere in Afghanistan.

The threat to foreigners is quite high and there are a number of the latest attacks on foreign as well as Western interests and enterprises. These attacks commonly goal hotels and restaurants which have been frequented by foreigners. On 13 May 2015, an attack with a guesthouse in Kabul slain 14 people, most involving who were foreigners. Insurgents have signaled their intention to remain to target foreign nationals throughout Afghanistan.

Many attacks, in addition, target Afghan and intercontinental security forces. Further possible targets include (but are certainly not limited to) embassies, motels, housing compounds, markets, outlets, schools, medical facilities, assist agencies, Afghan government complexes, Kabul International Airport along with transport infrastructure. New Zealanders in Afghanistan need to monitor local information solutions for information on new security and safety risks as the security situation can adjust very quickly.


Kidnapping for ransom plus the hostage-taking of foreign nationals is often a significant problem throughout Afghanistan. Unusual nationals (including assist workers, journalists and those being employed by non-governmental organizations and intercontinental organizations) have been targeted during the past and will likely carry on being targeted. In addition for you to taking professional security suggestions, you should vary your routines to stop setting predictable patterns involving movement, particularly around take a trip routes.

Local Travel

Road travel in Afghanistan is quite dangerous. Suicide bombers throughout vehicles have attacked intercontinental convoys, including those heading for and from Kabul Intercontinental Airport. Attackers often employ fake checkpoints to kick off attacks. Roadside bombs also spark a significant number of casualties. Take a trip by road should merely be undertaken in risk-free transport, with armed security, using reputable local owners and guides.
Beyond Kabul, your security situation is capricious and volatile, particularly inside south and east. Many areas of Afghanistan are generally controlled by warlords plus the Taliban and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda comes with an active presence in regions. Violent crime such while carjacking, armed robbery and banditry is usually an issue, particularly throughout rural areas.


Unexploded landmines and munitions can be a hazard throughout the land.

General Travel Advice

As there isn't a New Zealand diplomatic profile in Afghanistan, the ability in the New Zealand Government to deliver assistance to New Zealand individuals is severely limited. New Zealanders really should respect religious and cultural traditions in Afghanistan to stop offending local sensitivities. Modesty and discretion must be exercised in both costume and behavior.
New Zealanders travelling or moving into Afghanistan should have a wide travel insurance policy available that includes provision pertaining to medical evacuation by air flow. You should check that your particular travel insurance policy insures travel in Afghanistan - exclusions could very well apply. Only very limited medical facilities can be bought in Afghanistan and there are generally shortages of even the standard medical supplies.
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