The Flabbergasting Beauty And Grandeur Of Son Doong Cave In Vietnam

  • Thu, 18/05/2017
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As one of the hottest tourist destinations in Vietnam and the largest cave in the world, Son Doong Cave is seen as “the adventurous paradise” for those who would like to gain thrilling and impressive experiences. For sure, its imposing glamour cannot be fully presented by a few words or pictures. That’s why it has become a must-see spot for some adventure lovers once in a lifetime.

However, it is worth pointing out that the cave is just open to visit during the months of February and August. Septembers to January are less frequented as it is closed, because of flood. Want to discover the world’s biggest cave? The followings are some important things you should take into account firstly!

son doong
What Make Son Doong Cave Famous And Alluring All Over The World?
From the first sight, the remarkable landscape and the stunning views inside Son Doong have truly exceeded the imagination of many tourists. To explore deeply the cave, travelers must book a tour of 4.000 USD (equivalent to about 84 million VND) beforehand. Some of them are willing to wait a few years later since the tours to Son Doong Cave have been fully booked. Yes, there are no slots left at that time. Anyway, how much do you know about this beautiful, secret and breathtaking cave? Let’s find out some fun facts about it below:
  • Son Doong was accidentally discovered, because of rain by a local hunter!
Think that the world’s biggest cave was surely explored by geologists, professional cave discovers, or even scientists? But, the following truth can leave you enthralled and even shocked. A local, namely Ho Khanh, discovered it by chance in a rainy day. He is simply a normal farmer who used to spend 1 month going trekking his own way through the forests of the Park to earn a modest income by searching for timber.
In 1991, Mr. Ho Khanh, while wandering around the jungle and hunting for something, caught a tropical downpour. To avoid being wet, he quickly looked for a shelter to hide himself, and then accidentally found the cave entrance. However, the man didn’t really recognize how valuable the cave was. No long after his trip, he gave up looking back downs and farming. Everything was almost forgotten for about 15 years till in 2006 when the British Royal Caving Association approached the area to explore any new cave in the complex system of Phong Nha – Ke Bang. At that time, they were revealed by Mr. Ho about a large cave hidden somewhere in the middle of the jungle.

Ho Khanh and Howard Limbert
Ho Khanh and Mr and Mrs Howard Limbert from the British Royal Caving Association
Then, they started to find this cave, according to what Mr. Ho said. But, it was not an easy task to re-find the cave entrance because it is deeply hidden in the dense forest on very tough terrain, which is unsearchable with Google Earth. All the man remembered was that it was a very large cave, which blown winds 24/24. Right up to 2009, thanks to the great support of Mr. Ho Khanh, the exploration team successfully found the cave. After that, they stepped inside, collected scientific data, measured things, and took pictures. Yes, this was an amusing and attractive story of how this giant natural wonder was unveiled.
  • The cave is large enough to contain a building with 40 storeys
Son Doong Cave is over 150 meters in width, 9 kilometers in length, as well as 200 meters in height, although the discovers said that they were not fully able to explore it. According to scientists, it may even house a 40-floor tall building in New York, stack about 25 double-decker buses, or even store a 68 Boeing 777 aircraft. How wonderful it is!

son doong
  • It is not a discovery for everyone
Of course, adventurers on Earth all wish to check in and face-to-face watch the largest cave of the world at least once in a lifetime. Before booking a tour, you should remember that a discovery of Son Doong is not a relaxing or sightseeing journey. Instead, it can challenge your spirit, due to the difficult and dangerous geography. Furthermore, you are also required to get yourself fully prepared for physical and mental health. So, if you simply want to enjoy a soothing vacation, then Son Doong is not a wise choice although it does give you a chance to stay close to nature at best.

explore son doong
  • The cave was not named Son Doong at first
During a journey to Phong Nha – Ke Bang, many visitors who are introduced about Son Doong tend to wonder where the name of the world’s biggest cave comes from. The truth is that Son Doong was initially Ho Khanh, named by the first discoverer of the cave. However, it was later suggested to change its name into “Son Đoong” for the reason that there are majestic and spectacular mountains of Doong Village hidden behind the cave and a river running in the cave as well.
Are you ready to admire the magnificence and grandness of Son Doong Cave?
In order to participate in any tour to Son Doong Cave in Vietnam, tourists are advised to register with the travel agent and then wait for their turn. In addition, they must also undergo 2 severe theory and practical tests. Of course, a chance to join in a Son Doong Discovery tour is lost out of their hand if they fail the tests. The reason is that it is an adventurous exploration, as mentioned above. Safety harnesses, lights, ropes, and helmets are all necessary to enter the cave. During the thrilling journey, travelers must walk over 50 kilometers through jungles, big stone blocks, and rough routes, etc. Of course, no modern facilities are included.

travel to son doong
After all, your effort and patience will be rewarded with marvelous landscapes, untouched nature and splendid scenery. It is clear that there is something wonderful and magical that waits for you just beyond the entrance to the cave. Yes, a new world welcomes you any time!
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